Sunday, June 5, 2011

list of posts

 Hi Miss B, I would like my blog post 4, 8, 9 and 12 to be graded.

blog post #12

The  Grazian’s article and movie The Hangover depict men’s support for each other and their close bonding as a ritual of masculinity. They always stand by each others side regardless of the situation. The men go out together to support each other and show other men that they are more masculine by the activity which  Grazian in the article called “the collective performance of masculinity”(328). The boys go out in the group and if one of their friend likes a girl the others present themselves as “wingmen” to provide company to her friends so their friend can spend time with the girl he likes. The boy regardless of liking or disliking that girl’s friends accompany them so their friend can have a good time. This help and support of men for each other makes their bonds strong. The same way in the movie The Hangover  when Dough’s friends lose him after getting drugged they covered for him and didn’t let Tracy know that he is missing. They didn’t want her to know about the reckless things they did under the influence of the drug and think something wrong and get mad at Dough or call off the wedding. Allan who was the bride’s brother but was one of the Dough’s friends too also kept the secret of him gone missing. All three of them played the role of perfect “wingmen” in helping their friend to be with the girl that he wants to be. Although the situation in the article and the movie both is different in the article its night club and in the movie its one the friends bachelor party but the support of the men for each other and their performance of masculinity is same.

The hangover. Dir. Todd Phillips. Perf. Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zack Galifianakis. Warner Bros, 2009. DVD.

Grazian, David. “The Girl Hunt: Urban Nightlife and the Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity”. Men’s Lives. 8th ed. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner, Ed. New York by Allyn & Bacon, 2010. 320-337. Print.

Friday, June 3, 2011

course reflections

The one assignment that was fun to do was picture analysis because that was the first time when i thought deeply and critically about a person in a picture. I realized that how much can you tell about a person by just looking at that person's picture.
There wasn't any assignment that i didn't care about because all the assignment where realated to our main topic and were helping learn more about it.
I think blogger was helpful because internet is easily accessible from every where so when you have time in between your classes, can go to library and continue what you left doing previous day. This way you don't have to worry about carrying your notes with you and losing them.
I can't think of any assignment that we didn't do and should have done I think eveythink was good.

Friday, May 20, 2011

blog post #11

sara: hi how are you doing?
Me: good and you?
sara: having fun enjoying my days off
Me: your samester ended?
sara: yes, hey listen I went to the club yesterday
Me: then?
sara: I saw a very cute guy last night over there named nick and i think i love him
Me; what love him?
Sara; yes, you haven't heard about love at first site
Me: It's not possible the thing like love at first site doesn't happen in real life it just happens in movies and novels. Your feelings can be called attraction or infatuation
Sara; No, i am telling you i am in love and he likes me too
Me: what made you think you love her
Sara: He was tall handsom and very soft spoken. He knows how to treat a lady
Me: So, on the basis of just last nights observations you came to the conclusion that this guy Nick is very nice and mature?
sara: yes, ofcourse why would a person act different then himself thats what he is
Me:I don't think the people who come to clubs just for the sake of enjoyment are very serious about making relations. They just come there to enjoy there time and thats it. You will also come out of this phase of attraction after a while trust me. you are just impressed by his looks and style you won't even remember him after few weeks.
Sara: I still don't agree lets see if it's love or just attraction.
Me : ok
Sara: ok bye
Me: bye   

revised bibliography research #2

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

blog post # 10

I read your essay and i think your summary needs little bit more work as it doesn’t tell what was the decision that Patrick made at the end and his feelings about it. You didn’t talk about all the  people who followed consequentialistm in the movie you missed Remy’s partner and Angie. I agree with the Patrick part but unclear about “Patrick believes it is a wrongfully thought for such people to commit it” would he agree if it was done by someone else? and also your essay is missing what message is the movie conveying or what was the idea that the movie tried to portray or depict.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

blog post # 9 Fathering Paradoxes Contradiction and Dilemmas by Scott Coltrane

In the article coltrane has discussed different aspects of father hood and their affect on the kids. Like the social and economical position of the father, his presence and role in rearing a kid. The role of a father in a family is very important as it helps in the positive psychological development and strength of the children. As coltrane states "when men care for children on regular basis, they emphasize verbal interaction......and sex typing children"(441). In other words when men take care of children they focus on developing different skills in children instead of just playing with them which is typical. This style or method of  parenting decrease the negative ideas development in kids. As Coltrane states "These styles of father involvement have been......sensitivity in sons"(441). Also the kids who are raised in the presence of the father are more likely to be successful. As Coltrane states  "Many researchers continue to focus on fathers' economic contributions to children and report that fathers' resources improve children's life chances"(440). The kids raised by single parent which normally is mother don't get full attention due to the division of the focus because of many other responsibilities like economical and social etc. However when both parents are present, the children get more attention as the responsibilities are distributed among mother and father. As a result the environment of the house becomes more friendlier and caring, which decreases the chances of  kids getting involved in negative activities.

Friday, April 29, 2011

blog post #8

The "glass escalator effect" works as a helping factor in mens' careers.They get promoted to higher or more masculine considered positions or jobs. This is mostly due to the problems that they face in female oriented professions which they choose. One of the reasons for both the pressure and the promotion is the stereotypes: that the men are better or deserve administrative or commanding position in the society and shouldn't do feminine jobs or work.  

 Williams, L. Christine.  “The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the “Female”  Professions.  Men’s lives.5th ed. S. Kimmel    and Michael A. Messner, Ed. New York: Allyn
& Bacon, 2001. 211-224. Print.   

The article discusses the men's feelings and the problems they face in the jobs those are considered feminine. It also point out how these men are encouraged to get promoted to get better job. These men also have to face criticism of people due to these jobs.

The article can be trusted as a source because it has research in it. The author has referred to other researches and articles done by other researchers which makes it more reliable.

In the article Williams discusses the men who occupy the feminine jobs and their  consequences that they face. She also mentioned "The Glass Escalator" which can be defined as a force or factor that help these men in advancement of their jobs and life. Which is provided by their male bosses or colleagues. The reason of this help is stereotypes: the men have to be in command and deserve better position than the women in society. Like Williams states that "many of the men perceived their token status as males in predominantly female occupations as an advantage in hiring and promotions"(213). This also shows  men's mental superiority as they consider women  weak and are sure of their success over women's. Men are helped invisibly to achieve the better job. The people who help these men don' make it look obvious that they are helping these men. One reason of this is the networking among and desire to help same gender.

Friday, April 15, 2011

post blog# 7

The concept of machismo is basically that the feelings of personality lackness are compensated by the feelings of power. I would say, as it’s said commonly that when inferiority complex increases, it becomes superiority complex. So the men suffering from some kind of gap in the personality, becomes powerfully in one way or other. Although the reality is otherwise but they think that they have power over others. The same concept is applied on chicano men living in states, because the social circle in which they are brought up is male dominant and when they come here and see women not abiding by the rules of their society, they feel that they are loosing power over them and its not at all good for their masculinity. In order to compensate that feeling of defeat and complex, they turn into the person who does not have the power or is not the master of all but thinks he is. This most of the time affect not only their lives but their wives and kids too. As they demand full respect from not only woman or wife but from their children too, to satisfy their injured ego, so in return making the others related to them miserable and hurting them deeply and so the cycle goes on like this.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

edited blog post #5 All Men Are Not Created Equal

In the reading “All Men are not created Equal” Espiritu has discussed
the problems that Asian men faced in America. The reason of these problems was more than the sex or gender. It was a very strong discrimination against ethnicity and race. They were not treated in a nice way from American men because they had different ethnic origin and were not rich like them. They were always hired to do feminine jobs to make them feel that they are not good enough to do masculine work and are inferior to them. Because women are considered to be inferior then men so assigning domestic to them works was to emphasize on them being inferior. Then their masculinity was challenged by giving the jobs to their wives instead of them. This was a big threat to their masculine power and authority because men always want to be in control and the sense of being needed by their family makes them confident and strong. But when they are not in power and in dominance they feel it as an insult to their masculinity and it results as conflicts in their lives.

Friday, April 1, 2011

who is the man?

I think both the men in Theroux's and Marable's readings are equally masculine. Because both discusses the problems they face which effect their masculinity. One talks about the standers that society has set for men which are not fair and the other one talks about the stereotype image which was imposed on them and is not always true.I think that they are dicssing  these topics because doing certain things have very strong and negative impact on one's reputation and image like in this situation.

Work Cited

Marable, Manning.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

blog post #4 "The Black Male:Searching Beyond Stereotypes"

The position of the black men has changed in the society over the years and they have more power now. In present they are treated like humans unlike the past but there are still few things which didn't change like racism this effect their image and personality on a wide range. The image of being savages and mean which was imposed on them in the history by white men is still with them somehow. In the reading Marable also says that “The stereo types imposed by white history and by the lack of the knowledge of our own past often convince many younger black males that their struggle is too overwhelming”(23). In other words the young black men doesn't have correct knowledge about their past due to which they also  sometimes believe these stereo types. This is how the history is affecting young generation as it has a very strong impact on their lives as the stereotypes. People still have the same thinking about the black men which was developed years ago. The actions and reactions of people do affect a person’s life. The society can’t be ignored as we are part of it and its opinion about us whether it’s positive or negative has a very strong affect on us. And I think this is one of the reasons of black men committing suicides, being more involved in crimes and killing each other. Because when you get accused of being some one you are not the reaction most of the time is anger or depression. I think their pre conceived image also causes them to do all these violent things.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

blog post#3 "The Male Myth"

In the reading "The  male Myth" Theroux says that be a man means "be stupid, be unfeeling, obedient and soldierly, and stop thinking"(101). In other words to prove your self a man or masculine a person is restricted from showing his emotions and feelings. The person should fit the criteria of society of being a man which doesn’t allow a man to freely express himself or show his emotional side. A person is judged by the society from every aspect of his life even his job is considered a an adding factor towards his masculinity. Like Theroux states in the novel that he wanted to be a writer but was having problem occupying it because “there was a fear that writing was not a manly profession”(103). In other words he wasn’t able to do the job even when he wanted to because it was considered feminine at that time. In order to prove him self he had to suppress his will. This shows that men sometimes are not able to even make decisions of their life freely. They always have to keep society’s reactions and opinion in mind while making their personal decisions. Although they get more privileges but  the responsibilities of a being a man weighs more than the privileges they get. We expect them to be strong in every situation and not break down emotionally and mentally like a woman can. On the other hand we also expect them to sensitive towards certain issues. This somehow don't allow them to be themselves which is not fair.

Friday, March 18, 2011

blog post #2 "Night To His Day"

The categorization of the gender starts as soon as a baby is born and continues as the baby grows. From the moment we are born we are treated differently according to our genders. If a girl, she is taught all the traits of her gender and boys are brought up according to traits of their gender. As the author tells about her son, bobby, who acted in a class play when he was eight, they had to be squares and circles, all the girls in it were wearing make up but not the boys, when asked , the replies that bobby is a powerful boy and didn’t want to wear makeup, so other boys followed him. So it proves that gender groups are influence more by the same gender leader, as the girls listened to the female teacher and boys to their leader boy. This comes to us naturally that we differentiate people’s gender by their outlook. Like Judith Lorber says in her book, Paradoxes of Genders, “A sex category becomes a gender status through naming, dress, and the use of other gender markers.” We try to judge people based on their dressing and looks which we may not always guess correctly. In our society we have many cross dressers known as transvestites who act as the opposite gender. In our daily routine we observe peoples’ actions and behaviors and try to figure their gender through it even if it’s not intentional. Our genders give us a social status along with knowing what is expected of us. These days, we can see that typical image of genders has been changing. In early days there was no concept of male nannies or pilot women etc.  The standards and concepts of genderism are changing over time.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

blog post 1

I think that the men are born because the humans can't be manufactured. These days however there are several methods invented in medical science with which doctors can make huge changes in a man's body. But the fact can't be ignored that the people who go through these kind of changes in their life are mostly lacking something in their lives and can't enjoy it like the other ordinary men. These kind of changes also determine the power and the position of a person in the society. The men who are born and not made means don't go thruogh any physical changes tend to have a satisfied and a happy life and hold a strong position in the society as compared to those who go through these changes. The creation of nature is only concidered to be perfect not humans. So i would say the men are born and not made.