The "glass escalator effect" works as a helping factor in mens' careers.They get promoted to higher or more masculine considered positions or jobs. This is mostly due to the problems that they face in female oriented professions which they choose. One of the reasons for both the pressure and the promotion is the stereotypes: that the men are better or deserve administrative or commanding position in the society and shouldn't do feminine jobs or work.
Williams, L. Christine. “The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the “Female” Professions. Men’s lives.5th ed. S. Kimmel and Michael A. Messner, Ed. New York: Allyn
& Bacon, 2001. 211-224. Print.
The article discusses the men's feelings and the problems they face in the jobs those are considered feminine. It also point out how these men are encouraged to get promoted to get better job. These men also have to face criticism of people due to these jobs.
The article can be trusted as a source because it has research in it. The author has referred to other researches and articles done by other researchers which makes it more reliable.
In the article Williams discusses the men who occupy the feminine jobs and their consequences that they face. She also mentioned "The Glass Escalator" which can be defined as a force or factor that help these men in advancement of their jobs and life. Which is provided by their male bosses or colleagues. The reason of this help is stereotypes: the men have to be in command and deserve better position than the women in society. Like Williams states that "many of the men perceived their token status as males in predominantly female occupations as an advantage in hiring and promotions"(213). This also shows men's mental superiority as they consider women weak and are sure of their success over women's. Men are helped invisibly to achieve the better job. The people who help these men don' make it look obvious that they are helping these men. One reason of this is the networking among and desire to help same gender.
Good job :) Just please reread and correct the spelling errors.